When an attacker targets someone or some organization (target) to obtain or change information using ways that are...
Malware attack at Saudi Aramco
In the recent past, Middle Eastern companies are becoming a frequent target of attackers. Malware attack at the Saudi...
Flame. the 3rd known cyber weapon grade malware
Kaspersky Labs announced its new finding on the cyber warfare space, FLAME, indicating that the cyberwar landscape is...
Anonymous @525,118
The Anonymous hacker collective twitter handle is being followed by more than half million people on twitter. All...
Kies Tray Agent . Unknown connections
Today while checking the network connections I found something strange. The KeisTrayAgent running on my PC is...
Middle East Cyberwar a review
In the last two weeks, there is a lot of hacking events occurred in the middle east region. Supporters of two...
Anti-phishing . Detection
Phishing is a very common means of social engineering in these days. Despite the increased efforts by Banks and other...
Disk Space attacks
Disk space attacks are a form of resource utilization attacks resulting in denial of service. Disk space if a finite...
Anatomy of StuxNext
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo. An infographic dissecting the nature and...
CBI.s Cyberwar Credibility Gap
It is been three weeks since the so-called Pakistan Cyber Army has hacked into the prestigious Central Bureau of...
Germany plans news cyber-warfare defence centre
Germany will create a new cyber-warfare defence centre next year to fight off espionage attacks, the German interior...
New phishing trends
Phishing attacks are getting sophasticated everytime. Recently, phishers become very creative in detection mechanisms....
Money Mules
In the recent days, we have seen many emails claiming to be from your bank and asking you to provide the user name,...
Phishing in the middle eastern banks are on rise
Image via WikipediaRecently I was noticing an increase in the phishing emails targeted to the Banks in Kuwait. This...
Drive-By Pharming
Sid Stamm, Zulfikar Ramzan, and Markus Jakobsson have identified a clever, and potentially devastating, attack against...
Trusted Phishing
I have seen many sites using a logo, provided by the security certificate vendor, be it VeriSign, Thawte or any for...
Phishing . attacks and countermeasures
What is Phishing? Phishing is the art of stealing the idnetity of an individual and obtaining confidential information...