CA Technologies commissioned independent research in May 2011 to investigate the data protection and disaster recovery
(DR) policies of organisations in Europe and Asia Paci?c. This report highlights the key ?ndings across Europe and provides
insights into how these policies can be improved.
- Organisations throughout Europe are starting to use cloud computing as a key component of their data protection plans.
34% of organisations expect their use of cloud to increase as part of these plans over the next year. - Investment in data protection and DR continues to rise. 94% of organisations have at least sustained their investment
budgets throughout the period 2010 to 2011 whilst 27% have increased investment. - Currently 31% of organisations in Europe have data residing in a private cloud, and 17% in a public cloud. 75% of those
that use private cloud and 81% that use public cloud are con?dent that their data would be safe in the event of a disaster. - 94% of organisations surveyed have experienced application and data loss incidents over the last year. 70% of data loss is a
result of IT systems failure e.g. hardware or network failure. - Just 26% of organisations in Europe have a comprehensive DR plan.
- Inadequate buy-in from senior management (48%) and lack of budget (39%) were cited as the main barriers to
improvement of data protection and DR operations.
The full report can be downloaded from here